Membership Application

    As part of joining an active Golf and Country Club, many ways are available to integrate within the membership - one being within committees. Cataraqui Golf and Country Club has Board Committees and Operating Committees that are welcoming new volunteers. If you would like to join a committee, please select the committee to which you would like to contribute.


    I confirm that I have read, understood, acknowledge, and agree, on behalf of myself and all persons concerned with my membership the following terms and conditions:

    A. To pay all fees, dues, accounts, and assessments at the times prescribed. (Individual members' Curling Association fees are included with regular Club dues

    B. That all fees, dues, accounts, and assessments are due and payable upon receipt of monthlyatement and that a service chargof 2% per month (268% per annum) will charged if my account is not within 30 days of the statement date.

    That past due balances of 90 days will be charged to one of VISA or MASTERCARD or the Club will pursue payment through use of a collection agency

    All fees, dues, and assessments are subject to change without notice.

    If my membership status is a golf category, or if in the future I become a golf member, I agree to pay golf fees in twelve monthly installments from October to September.

    Further, I understand and accept that my membership and all associated fees, dues, accounts, and assessments will be automatically renewed each 12 months (based on the billing date of my membership category) unless I inform the Chief Operating Officer, in writing, that I will be resigning or changing my membership status. If I am changing my membership status or resigning my membership, I acknowledge and accept that the change in status must follow Club policy in effect at the time of the status change.

    I understand and agree that entrance fees and deposits are non-refundable.

    All fees, dues, and assessments are subject to change without notice.

    I agree to accept, abide by, and be governed by the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations and Code of Conduct of the Club.

    I further understand that these may change from time-to-time.

    Any breach, by me, of any of the foregoing, is grounds for termination of my membership and, that in such event, I shall not be entitled to any refund of fees, dues, accounts, or assessments paid.

    I authorize The Cataraqui Golf and Country Club, Limited to release the following information:


    Postal Address

    Phone #(s)

    Email Address

    This request and authorization apply to:

    * The Club Roster

    * “Member Only” sections of the Club website

    * Internal Communications (e-blasts, Cataraqui Magazine, Cataraqui Chronicle)

    * Social Media

    * Bulletin boards and internal notices & advertising

    * GAO and OCA

    I hereby allow The Cataraqui Golf and Country Club, Limited to publish annually, until at such time whereby my consent is retracted in writing, information including telephone numbers, addresses, and e-mail addresses to other members of the Club for their personal use only.

    I understand that this authorization remains in effect until rescinded in writing.

    I exonerate the Club from any liability for loss or damage to any personal property kept or left by me on Club property, or any personal loss, damage or injury sustained by me on or about the Club property, or whether such loss, damage or injury occurs by reason of any act or omission of any employee, agent, member, or guest of the Club or otherwise.

    A recent digital image bearing your likeness must accompany your application. Please send your photo (headshot) to

    Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.